The Primer Stack

The SQL Yoga primer stack is intended to provide a bare bones example stack that shows you how the SQL Yoga objects work together to connect to a database and display data. The next few lessons show you how to use the stack but do not go into too much detail. It is expected that you can use this stack to introduce yourself to the basics of the library. You can then customize it and use it to experiment with as you go through this manual.

You can download the example stack from the following url:

The Primer Files

The Primer Files

After downloading and unzipping the primer ZIP archive you will see these files. Open the SQL Yoga Primer.rev file in the Revolution IDE. This stack will open the sql_yoga.rev stack and start using it as a library for you automatically.

The Primer Stack

The Primer Stack

This is what the primer stack looks like in the IDE.

The Card Script

The Card Script

All of the logic for the primer stack is included in the card script of the SQL Yoga Primer stack. Edit the card script to see how the various objects are created and used.


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