Installing the PlugIn
This lesson will show you how to install the SQL Yoga plugin. Plugins are installed in the plugins folder of your Revolution User Extensions folder.
Note: The SQL Yoga library must be in use before you open the plugin. If the library is not in use then the plugin will alert you and then close. If you are not familiar with how to put the SQL Yoga library in use then please refer to this lesson.
Locate the SQL Yoga Plugin Stack

The plugin stack is located in the plugin folder of the SQL Yoga distribution folder.
Locate The User Extensions Folder

In the Files & Memory preferences pane you can find the full path to the User Extensions folder. Open this folder in your system file browser.
Note: Revolution does not create this folder by default. You may need to create the folder on your own.
Add Plugin to Plugins Folder

In the User Extensions folder you will find a plugins folder (1). Create this folder if it does not exist. Place the plugin stack (2) in this folder and then launch Revolution.
Access Plugin From the Development Menu

Once you launch Revolution you can access your plugin from the Development menu.
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