Tutorials & ManualsSQL YogaSQL Yoga IDE PluginDatabase ObjectsReloading the Database Schema or Table Objects Definitions

Reloading the Database Schema or Table Objects Definitions

Whenever you make changes to your database schema or table object definitions you need to let SQL Yoga know about it.

SQL Yoga uses an internal representation of your database schema to carry out many of the operations it performs so it is important to keep SQL Yoga up to date.

This lesson will show you how the plugin can help you update the schema in SQL Yoga as well refresh the table objects after you have made changes to the "table objects behavior" script.

Select the Database Object

Select the Database Object

Right-Click On Object

Right-Click On Object

Select Reload Database Schema (1) from the contextual menu to update the internal representation of your database schema.

Select  Reload Table Objects (2) from the contextual menu to trigger the dbobject.createTables message in your "table objects behavior" script.


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