How Do I Create a New Application Based on the GLX Application Framework?
This article will show you how to create a new application based on the GLX Application Framework using the plugin.
Open the Plugin

Select Folders

After opening the plugin you will be prompted to create a new application.
1) Select the folder that the application should be created in. This is where the launcher.rev file will be created.
2) Select the folder that the application files should be created in. This is where application.dat, glxapp_framework.dat and program.dat will be stored. This might be a folder named components or you can leave it empty if you want all files in the same directory.
3) Click Create New Application.
Note: The plugin shows the Create screen if it cannot find an application stack in memory. If you have a stack named application open in memory then the Configuration screen will appear.
What Happened?

When you clicked the create button all of the necessary application stacks were created on disk (1). The launch code in launcher.rev (2) was then activated and the application was loaded into Revolution (3). Since the default code for the glxapp_openApplication handler in the application stack (4) script opens the program stack, the program stack appears (5).
Update glxappLauncher Stack Title

The default title for the glxappLauncher stack is GLX Application (1). You should change this to the name of your application (2).
The Plugin

The plugin screen changes to the Configuration screen where you can configure the rest of your application's properties.
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