How Do I Add Stacks to My Application?
You can define which stack files your application requires. The framework will automatically load all stack files into memory at launch and can also verify that the stack file exists and refuse to launch if not present.
Note: You do not need to add the application.dat or glxapp_framework.dat stack files ot your application. The framework cannot function properly without these stacks so they are automatically included for you.
Add A Stack File

Click the Add Stack button to select a stack file to add to the application.
Select Stack File

The answer file dialog will open with the root application folder selected by default. The stack file you select should be stored somewhere in this folder. In this example I am selecting a file in the ./components subfolder.
Specify Type

Click Library if the stack file acts as a library. Important: The main stack and any substacks contained in the stack file will be put in use when your application launches. If you don't want the substacks to be used as libraries then you should choose Window and put the stack in use yourself in the glxapp_initializeApplication handler.
A Window will only be loaded into memory.
Is It Required?

Specify whether or not the stack file is required in order for the application to launch. If it is not required then it will be loaded into memory if present but will be silently ignored otherwise.
Should It Be Loaded at Startup?

Specify whether or not the stack file should be loaded into memory when the application launches. Click Yes to accept the default behavior.

You have now added a stack file to your application. The relative path to the stack now appears in the list of stack files.
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