How Do I Update An Existing Application To Use the Latest Framework?
add glxapp_preloadApplication to application stack script.
Upgrade the Framework IDE Plugin
Add glxapp_preloadApplication To application Stack Script
The first thing you should do is add the glxapp_preloadApplication handler to your application stack script. Add the handler directly after glxapp_firstRun.
Update glxappLauncher Stack Script

You will need to update the glxappLauncher (named launcher.rev on disk) stack script of your application. You can't simply replace the stack file as you have configured all of your standalone settings for and you don't want to lose that information.
Launch Revolution (make sure your current application IS NOT open). Open the glxappLauncher.rev stack found in the framework helper stacks folder of the distribution folder.

Open the glxappLauncher stack script (stack title is GLX Application). Copy the entire script to the clipboard. Remove the glxappLauncher stack from memory or simply quit and restart Revolution.

Open your applications glxappLauncher stack (launcher.rev on disk) and replace the stack script with the clipboard contents.
After updating the script you will need to build a new Standalone using glxappLauncher.
Update glxapp_framework.dat File

Replace the glxapp_framework.dat file in your application folder with the glxapp_framework.dat file included with the GLX Application distribution files.
Add glxappAuthenticate Substack to application Stack

A new dialog stack named glxappAuthenticate has been added to the framework. This can be used when authenticating with servers that require a username, password and domain.
To add the stack to your application begin by opening the glxappAuthenticate.rev file located in the framwork_helper_stacks folder of the distribution folder.
Change mainStack To application

After opening the stack change the mainStack property to application. Save the application stack.
Add At Least One Build Profile

Check that you have at least 1 Build Profile defined in the Build Profiles tab. This is required in order for the Application Packager to function properly.
Update updater.gz On Your Server

If you are using the auto update feature in the framework then you need to update the updater.gz file on your server. The file is located in the auto update folder of the application framework distribution.
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