How Do I Display A Splash Screen When My Application Launches?
This lesson will show you how to create a splash window that displays while your application launches.
You should have your application open in the IDE before starting this lesson.
Create a New Mainstack

The stack used to display the splash window should be a mainstack stored in it's own stack file. The goal is to have a stack that loads very quickly.
Create a new mainstack by choosing the File > New Mainstack menu item.
Configure Stack

Give the stack a name and title.
Save Stack File

Save the stack to a stack file. I am naming my stack splash.rev and saving it in the components folder.
Add To List of Stacks

Now that the stack file exists on disk you can add it to the list of application stacks. Switch to the Stacks & Externals tab (1) in the plugin and click Add Stack (2).

Select the splash.rev stack file that you just created.

The stack will appear in the list of stacks.
Tell the Framework To Display the Splash Window

The last step is to tell the framework to display a splash stack at launch. Switch to the General tab (1) and locate the fields used to configure the splash window (2).

Set the Splash stack file name to components/splash.rev.
Set the Show splash stack for setting to the minimum amount of time you want the splash window to appear. The framework will show the stack for at least this long but the splash window will not disappear until after the glxapp_openApplication is sent.
The Result

Now when the application launches the splash window will appear. It is up to the developer to add any code that affects the splash window behavior. Keep in mind that the splash window is one of the first stacks loaded. When the splash window opens your application preferences will be available but your application stacks will not be.
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