Open Blank Application Template
Now that you have downloaded the tutorial files we can get started. The first thing you need to do is open the application stored in the Blank Application folder that came with the To-Do distribution. This folder contains a pre-configured GLX Application Framework application that you will use throughout the rest of this manual.

Open Stack

Choose File > Open Stack...

Select the launcher.rev file located in the Blank Application folder.
Load Application

The To-Do mainstack stored in the launcher.rev stack file will appear in the IDE (1). The mainstack is named glxappLauncher and is the stack that the executables are built from. To load the rest of the application into the IDE select the Browse tool (2) and then click anywhere on the To-Do list stack (except the title bar).

After clicking you will see the main To-Do application stack window. This stack is named program and titled "To-Do" (the name that appears in the title bar).
Let's take a look at the all of the stacks that are now in memory using the Application Browser.
Refresh the Application Browser

If the Application Browser was open when you clicked on the glxappLauncher stack then the Application Browser might not refresh to show all of the stacks that the application framework loaded into memory. If this is the case just click on the Refresh button and all will be well.
Open The Application in Application Browser

If the Application Browser is not open then choose Tools > Application Browser to open it.
Application Stacks

When the Application Browser opens you will see the list of stacks associated with the application. The program stack (1) is the window that is currently open. glxappLauncher (2) is the stack you initially opened and clicked on. libSQLYoga (3) is the SQL Yoga library and the application stack (4) is where the scripts that run when your application starts up and shuts down are kept.
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