Editing a Project, Person or To-Do Name
So far we have looked at creating records in and retrieving and deleting records from the database. We haven't looked at how to update records yet, however, so let's take a look at that now.

Edit ProjectsPeople Data Grid Script

Right-click on the left column Data Grid (named "ProjectsPeople") and choose Edit Script.
Locate the CloseFieldEditor Handler

You should have a CloseFieldEditor handler in the script that looks like this. When the user double-clicks on a project or person name a field is opened that allows the user to edit the text. CloseFieldEditor is a message that is sent to the Data Grid when the user presses the enter or return key and the content has changed.
Update the CloseFieldEditor Script
Replace the CloseFieldEditor command in the ProjectsPeople Data Grid group script with the following RevTalk code.
Copy & Paste The Following Code
on CloseFieldEditor pFieldEditor
put the dgHilitedIndex of me into theIndex
switch GetDataOfIndex(theIndex, "@table")
case "projects"
## Get current values for record from database
sqlrecord_find "projects", the uSelectedProjectID of me, theRecordA
put the result into theError
if theError is empty then
## Set 'name' property
sqlrecord_set theRecordA, "name", the text of pFieldEditor
## Update record in the database
sqlrecord_update theRecordA
put the result into theError
end if
case "people"
sqlrecord_find "people", the uSelectedPersonID of me, theRecordA
put the result into theError
if theError is empty then
sqlrecord_set theRecordA, "name", the text of pFieldEditor
sqlrecord_update theRecordA
put the result into theError
end if
end switch
if theError is empty then
pass CloseFieldEditor
answer "Error saving name:" && theError & "."
end if
end CloseFieldEditor
Updating Data in the Database

Here is what the completed handler will look like. This example introduces the sqlrecord_find command (1). This command searches a database table and returns a SQL Record object. This is how we get all of the fields from the database for a project or person before upating the name. After locating the record you can update the name (2) and call sqlrecord_update (3).
Test the UI

Double-click on New Project and edit the text. Press the enter or return key to save the changes.
Verify in the Database

If you look at the records in the projects table you will see that the name has been updated.
Edit the ToDo Data Grid Script

Now let's update the code in the ToDo Data Grid. Select the ToDo Data Grid and edit the script.
Update Data Grid Group Script
Replace the CloseFieldEditor command in the ToDo Data Grid group script with the following RevTalk.
Copy & Paste The Following Code
on CloseFieldEditor pFieldEditor
## Get current values for record from database
sqlrecord_find "todo_items", the uSelectedID of me, theRecordA
put the result into theError
if theError is empty then
## Set 'name' property
sqlrecord_set theRecordA, "name", the text of pFieldEditor
## Update record in the database
sqlrecord_update theRecordA
put the result into theError
end if
pass CloseFieldEditor
end CloseFieldEditor
Test the UI

Double-click on New Task and update the name. Press the return or enter key to save the changes.
Verify in the Database

The to-do record in the databae will be updated.
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