Display Projects in the UI
Now that we have a way of creating a new project using the UI we need to be able to display them. Let's look at how to do that.

What We Are Going To Do

Now we are going to add the RevTalk code that will display projects from the database in the UI.
Update uiPopulateProjectsAndPeople Handler
Begin by replacing the existing uiPopulateProjectsAndPeople handler in the card script with the RevTalk code below. Remember to compile the script. After you insert the code we will go through the relevant parts.
Copy & Paste The Following Code
command uiPopulateProjectsAndPeople
## Create a SQL Query object
put sqlquery_createObject("projects") into theQueryA
## Specify how results should be sorted
sqlquery_set theQueryA, "order by", "name"
## Retrieve data from database and convert to
## a numerically indexed array
sqlquery_retrieveAsRecords theQueryA, theDataA
put the result into theError
if theError is empty then
## Assign the array directly to a Data Grid
set the dgData of group "ProjectsPeople" to theDataA
end if
if theError is not empty then
answer "Error populating projects and people:" && theError & "."
end if
end uiPopulateProjectsAndPeople
Using a SQL Query Object to Retrieve Data

We are going to retrieve projects from the database using a SQL Query object. A SQL Query object is similar to a SQL Record object in that it is represented by an array variable. It does not persist across sessions. Here is how you can get an array variable that contains a list of projects and display the list in a Data Grid:
1) Create a SQL Query object for the projects table.
2) Specify how you would like the projects sorted by setting the sort by property.
3) Tell SQL Yoga to retrieve the projects from the database and convert the result to a numerically indexed array of SQL Record objects.
4) Assign the array returned by SQL Yoga to the ProjectsPeople Data Grid. This Data Grid has already been configured for displaying the content.

To test, open the Message Box and type in uiPopulateProjectsAndPeople (1) and press the Return key. You should see the text New Project appear in the Data Grid (2).
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