Creating A Person And Updating Left Column Display

Now that we can create and view projects and to-do items let's look at creating people. People are going to be displayed in the left column along with projects so we will make some changes to the uiPopulateProjectsAndPeople handler in order to accommodate that.

What We Are Going To Do

In order to display both Projects and People in the left column we will create headings (1). Underneath the headings the list of projects or people will appear (2).

Update uiCreatePerson Handler

Replace the uiCreatePerson command in the card script with the script below. There is nothing going on in this handler that you haven't seen before.


Copy & Paste The Following Code


command uiCreatePerson

## Create a SQL Record object for 'people' table

put sqlrecord_createObject("people") into theRecordA

## Set name property of object

sqlrecord_set theRecordA, "name", "New Person"

## Create record in the database

sqlrecord_create theRecordA

put the result into theError

if theError is empty then

## Refresh list, select new record and open field editor

## so that user can change name.

lock screen


set the uSelectedPersonID of group "ProjectsPeople" to theRecordA["id"]

set the dgTemplateFieldEditor["select text"] of group "ProjectsPeople" to true

dispatch "EditKeyOfIndex" to group "ProjectsPeople" with "name", the dgHilitedIndex of group "ProjectsPeople"

unlock screen

end if

if theError is not empty then

answer "Error creating person:" && theError & "."

end if

end uiCreatePerson

Test Record Creation In The Database

After compiling the card script you can click on the Add Person button (1). You should see a new record in your database manager for the people table (2). YOU WON'T GET ANY VISUAL FEEDBACK AT THIS POINT.

Update the uiPopulateProjectsAndPeople Handler

Replace the uiPopulateProjectsAndPeople command in the card script with the RevTalk code below. After you insert the code we will go through the relevant parts.


Copy & Paste The Following Code


command uiPopulateProjectsAndPeople


## Projects Title


put "Projects" into theDataA[1]["name"]


## Project Records


## Create a SQL Query object

put sqlquery_createObject("projects") into theQueryA

## Specify how results should be sorted

sqlquery_set theQueryA, "order by", "name"

## Retrieve Projects data from database and convert to

## a numerically indexed array. First project record

## will start at theDataA[2] since theDataA[1] is already

## filled in.

sqlquery_retrieveAsRecords theQueryA, theDataA

put the result into theError


## People Title


if theError is empty then

## item 2 of the extents is the current number of records

## already in the theDataA array variable.

put item 2 of line 1 of the extents of theDataA + 1 into theNextIndex

put "People" into theDataA[ theNextIndex ]["name"]

end if


## People Records


if theError is empty then

## Retrieve People data from database and convert to

## a numerically indexed array. First person record

## will start at theDataA[ theNextIndex + 1]

put sqlquery_createObject("people") into theQueryA

sqlquery_set theQueryA, "order by", "name"

sqlquery_retrieveAsRecords theQueryA, theDataA

put the result into theError

end if

if theError is empty then

## Assign the array directly to a Data Grid

set the dgData of group "ProjectsPeople" to theDataA

end if

if theError is not empty then

answer "Error populating projects and people:" && theError & "."

end if

end uiPopulateProjectsAndPeople

Aggregating Static Data And Multiple Database Queries Into a Single Array

Since we are going to display both projects and people in the same Data Grid we need to update the uiPopulateProjectsAndPeople handler. SQL Yoga makes it easy to aggregate results across multiple queries when retrieving data as an array or as SQL Record objects.

If you pass a numerically indexed array to sqlquery_retrieveAsRecords, SQL Yoga will append the results to the array. For example, before retrieving projects, the theDataA array variable has a nested array assigned to index [1] (2). Because theDataA already has a numeric index of 1 sqlquery_retrieveAsRecords will start inserting records into the array starting with [2].

The People title string is then appended to the end of the theDataA array variable (3) and then the people records are finally appended as well (4).

In the end you have a single, numerically indexed array that you can assign to a Data Grid.


Open the Message Box and execute the command uiPopulateProjectsAndPeople (1) to see the result (2).


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