Update the UI Code to Account For People
Now that the left column displays both projects and people we will need to update the uiPopulateToDos handler accordingly. We will look at how the newly defined relationships can help us get to-do items associated with a person.

Update the uiPopulateToDos Command
Replace the uiPopulateToDos command in the card script with the following RevTalk code. After you insert the code we will go through the relevant parts.
Copy & Paste The Following Code
command uiPopulateToDos
local theRecordsA,theError
switch the uSelectedType of group "ProjectsPeople"
case "project"
put the uSelectedProjectID of group "ProjectsPeople" into theProjectID
put sqlquery_createObject("todo_items") into theQueryA
sqlquery_set theQueryA, "order by", "sequence"
sqlquery_set theQueryA, "conditions", "project_id is :1", theProjectID
sqlquery_retrieveAsRecords theQueryA, theRecordsA
put the result into theError
case "person"
put the uSelectedPersonID of group "ProjectsPeople" into thePersonID
put sqlquery_createObject("todo_items") into theQueryA
sqlquery_set theQueryA, "related table joins", "people"
sqlquery_set theQueryA, "conditions", "people.id is :1", thePersonID
sqlquery_retrieveAsRecords theQueryA, theRecordsA
put the result into theError
end switch
if theError is empty then
set the dgData of group "ToDo" to theRecordsA
end if
if theError is not empty then
answer "Error populating to-do items:" && theError & "."
end if
end uiPopulateToDos
Getting To-Do Items Related To Selected Person

You are looking at the modified code for uiPopulateToDos. Notice that the code now branches based on whether a person or project is selected (1).
What is interesting about the new code for retrieving to-do items is the use of the related table joins property (2). Remember that we told SQL Yoga that 'people' are related to 'todo_items'. By telling the SQL Query object that the query should include 'people' SQL Yoga will automatically add the necessary SQL to include the 'people' table in the query. This allows us to use 'people.id' in the 'conditions' property (3) to filter which to-do items are returned. Basically the query searches for all to-do items that are associated with the selected person.

Click on New Person in the left column. You should see an empty list on the right. If you select New Project on the left then the New Task record should appear in the list.
David Glass
I must have missed a step somewhere.
Where does the type ('project' or 'person') of the selection in the left-hand 'source list' get set (uSelectedType)?
I didn't see anything explicitly setting that value when the list was populated.
Trevor DeVore
David - the uSelectedType is a custom property that is defined in the group "ProjectsPeople" script. If you edit the group script you will see this handler:
getProp uSelectedType
end uSelectedType
This getProp handler returns the type of record that is currently selected in the data grid "ProjectsPeople".
David Glass
And 'getProp' is called any time the property's name is used?
So the 'switch the uSelectedType' kicks out to the 'getProp'?
Trevor DeVore
Correct. If you aren't familiar with getProp handlers then I would recommend reading up on it in the docs: http://docs.runrev.com/Control-Structure/getProp. It basically lets you execute code when setting a custom property on an object.